Game Maintenance Updates (21st March)

Game Maintenance Updates (21st March)

Time: 21st March (4am-9am)

Compensation: 2 Mystery Box【神秘箱子】, 1 Food Bento【暖心料理】,1 Thunder Chain【锁链雷锭】


Content Updates:

1. New Adventurer Skill – Elegant Sit【优雅坐下】, using the skill will have special sits around the character’s area to interact. Learn at Adventurer NPC, required D Grade Adventurer Rank, 1 Adventurer Skill Point and 150,000 zeny.

2. Geffen, Morroc and Payon have new Hairstyle Shop, each Hairstyle Shop have different hairstyle available. Add-on 4 new hairstyle each for male and female character.

3. NPC【莱恩】will not only appear at Prontera South and Prontera West. NPC【莱恩】will also appear in Lost Forest, Byalan Cave (Underwater cave 1F), Mjolnir, Morroc and etc.  NPC【莱恩】will only appear at 1 of the map at a time, waiting for player to come by.

4. New Adventurer Book page/function, allowing players to see equipment list and how to obtain the equipments.

5. Morphing monster scroll – After using morph monster scroll, will have disable morph effect button【解除变身】, allowing players to turn back into human.

6. Only players within the crack area and successfully minus 1 crack count will get crack loot when finish crack.

7. Weekly event UFO-Big-Cat Boss will not be affected by fatigue, drop rate will be normal.

8. Decrease item Kafra Storage Ticket【卡普拉仓库券】selling price from 100 zeny to 10 zeny.

9. Decrease monster Bongun【妖道】skill Spiral Pierce【螺旋击刺】 damage effect.

10. Change skill description Soul Destroyer【心灵震波】(AssassinCross Skill), add description “added/changed attack element will only affect physical attack damage”.

11. Adjust Elemental Changing Item【元素原石】and Awakening Potion【觉醒药水】duration. After maintenance, the effect duration can stacked, offline and death will not decrease the item effect duration.

12. Decrease amount of Goblin summon by Goblin Leader in map and endless tower.


1. Item in temporary bag can be directly sold.

2. Adjust temporary party leader allocation. Even party member is offline, the online party member can become temporary party leader.

3. Optimize camera picture sharing function.

4. Optimize proof of friendship 【友情之证】description .

5. Optimize equipment and card description.

6. Optimize enchantment description.

Bug Fixed

1. Fix Geffen Field【克特森林】abnormal weather.

2. Fix Orc Baby profile picture.

3. Fix some ★Monster’s size.

4. Fix quest 【邪恶的仪式】by NPC High Priest, misleading quest problem.

5. Fix killing Goblin ★ achievement unlock in Adventurer book.

6. Fix Skill Double Blade Force【双刀破甲】(Assassin Skill) that give out silent debuff effect. Should not give silent debuff effect.

7. Fix hold hand got separated when change map.

8. Fix quest monster that are long range monster but using melee skill at Orc Village.

9. Fix endless tower issues. When player outside of endless tower revive a dead player inside tower, will be able to continue finish the tower level and get rewards.

10. Fix morphing buff effect duration, morph buff effect should disappear when morph duration ended.

11. Fix when player in silent, skill that trigger by chance when normal attack should be trigger.

12. Fix Skill Split Arrow【分裂箭】(Hunter Skill), maximum target limit.

13. Fix Skill Charge【冲锋】, that cause target become invincible for a short duration.

14. Fix physical damage decrease not effective problem. After maintenance, maximum physical damage decrease is 100%.

15. Fix when holding hand, chat interface bug.

16. Fix obtain experience affected by party member fatigue status. Should be not affected by party member fatigue status.

17. Fix when over buff amount limit, buff will not refresh bug.

18. Fix equipment Pagdayaw【宝塔头盔】not triggering curse effect bug.

19. Fix battery saving mode bug.

20. Fix slotting card problem, able to see equipment Haedonggum【海东剑】when you do not own a Haedonggum bug.
