Wedding Dress & Cloth

Wedding Dress & Cloth

Wedding Dress & Cloth

Wedding Registration available on 13rd March 2018 on China server.

Wedding Ceremony start on 14th March 2018 China server (White Valentine Day).

2 Wedding fashion series!

  1. Sakura series
  2. Holy series



Wedding fashion cannot be wore during battle.

Same fashion series but different gender will still unlock the same slot at Adventurer Book.

Check out the White Valentine event info at link below!

→→ EP3.5「Sakura Flower Wedding」- White Valentine ←←

Sakura Wedding Series

Buy at 【金币商店】using B Cat Coin.

Male Wedding Box「绯樱之约礼盒·

Female Wedding Box「绯樱之约礼盒·

[Sakura Wedding Dress]
Unlock Bonus: PATK +1%, MATK +1%
Discount Price: 328 B Cat Coin (Original Price: 648 B Cat Coin)
(China Discount period: 6th Mar, 5am – 13th Mar 2018, 5am)
[Sakura Formal Cloth]Unlock Bonus: PATK +1%, MATK +1%

Holy Wedding Series

Complete wedding quest on 13rd March 2018 to unlock holy wedding dress and holy wedding formal cloth at NPC – 幸福小姐 for purchase.

[Holy Wedding Dress]

Unlock Bonus: PATK +12, MATK +12

Price: 328 B Cat Coin

[Holy Formal Cloth]

Unlock Bonus: PATK +12, MATK +12

Price: 328 B Cat Coin
