Wedding Achievement

Wedding Achievement

Wedding Achievement

Wedding Registration available on 13rd March 2018 on official server.

Wedding Ceremony start on 14th March 2018 (White Valentine Day).

Wedding fashion info at link below!


→→ Wedding Fashion ←←

Check out the White Valentine event info at link below!

→→ EP3.5「Sakura Flower Wedding」- White Valentine ←←

Achievement List

 ?告白预行练习 [Love Confess Practice]

Buy Wedding Ring – 求婚钻戒·爱神之箭

 ?勇气100% [Courage 100%]

Propose Marriage successfully

 ?月色真美 [Beautiful Moon]

Complete Honeymoon quest [Sakura Promise] [樱花树约定]

 ?瑰色之约 [Rosy Promise]

Complete registration for wedding schedule

 ?花嫁修业 [Flowery Career]

Buy Wedding Dress or Formal Cloth

 ?恋爱写真 [Romance Album]

Complete Wedding Photo Album


Enter church

 ?Start in my life

Complete wedding ceremony

Unlock Title: 挚爱之 [My Love]

Unlock Bonus: ATK +3

 ?青空下的邂逅 [Encounter under the sky]

Complete roller coaster ride [幻想过山车]

 ?再会 [Goodbye]

Complete divorce agreement

Unlock Title: 再会之 [Goodbye] 

 ?broken heart

Complete divorce by force

Unlock Title: 心碎之 [Broken Heart]

 ?新月之夜 [Crescent Moon Night]

Marry for 30 days

Unlock Title: 幸福之 [Blessed]

Unlock Bonus: MATK +3

 ?有你在身边 [By your side]

Marry for 365 days

Unlock Title: 真爱之 [True Love]

Unlock Bonus: MaxHp +6

 ?Endless Story

Marry for 1000 days

Unlock Title: 天荒地老 [Till Old]

Unlock Bonus: MaxHp +12
