Unlock Pet Adventure Quest Guide

Unlock Pet Adventure Quest Guide Guide to unlock pet adventure guidebook. Tips: Send pets to adventurer to obtain Rainbow Shell [七彩贝壳]  Requirement: Finish Unlock Poring Pet Quest ← Talk to Agnes at Prontera South Field.   Select 1st option, to proceed. You will need 1 pet reach Level 3 intimacy. For beginner pet owner, just use … Read moreUnlock Pet Adventure Quest Guide

Unlock Cooking Quest Guide

Unlock Cooking Quest Guide Guide on unlocking cooking function. Cooking Recipe List ← Cooking Material List← Requirements: Rank F Adventurer Adventurer Rank Guide here ← Details: Enter Royal Cooking Association from Prontera. Talk to Pizza (the one with green quest icon – Cuisine Temptation). Keep talking to Pizza. Collect 1 Rocker Leg from Rocker using “Chef’s Eagle … Read moreUnlock Cooking Quest Guide

Glast Heim Minstrel Q&A Guide

Glast Heim Minstrel/ Bard Q&A Guide Glast Heim Minstrel/ Bard NPC Location Glast Heim Minstrel/ Bard Question and Answers Quest name: Dark Falls [黑暗降临支线] Unlocked Craftable Item: Forest Staff[1] [森林之杖[1]] Question 1. 普隆德拉的铁匠忽克连的师傅是谁? Answer: Hayward [哈沃德] Question  2. 在艾勒梅斯的故事中,艾勒梅斯的父亲陷入了哪个魔物的控制? Answer: The Dark Illusion [迷幻之王] Question  3. 在索罗丶图克的故事中,索罗丶图克的妻子叫什么名字? Answer: Korena 柯丽娜 Quest name: 施密特王支线 Unlocked Craftable Item: … Read moreGlast Heim Minstrel Q&A Guide
