GVG Delay & Compensation

GVG Delay & Compensation

GVG Delay & Compensation

Official Chinese Post: https://bbs.xd.com/thread-3252667-1-1.html


Weekly GVG at Thursday night have black screen bug.

No occupy reward will be given for those guild that successfully capture Castle for Thursday night, 18th Jan 2018.

Compensation 「B Food Pack」*10、「Novice Food Pack」*10 for player that enter GVG portal & after entering GVG have black screen bug.

Compensation to all player after urgent maintenance 18th Jan 2018 20:50~21:30: 「Gacha Coupon·Feast」*30、「Adventurer Coin」*1

Note: Spin Gacha Coupon·Feast at New Gacha Machine at Prontera Event Area

GVG Delay!

GVG delay to 9pm, Friday, 19th Jan 2018. All occupied Castle will be reset.

* All time stated is in GMT +8

